About Me

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O'ahu born and Rockville bred, both Maryland and Hawai'i are home. Middle-aged knitter (believe me, my 40 is NOT the new 20) seeking the courage to live consciously, each and every moment. Now if I could just remember where I put my keys...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chptr 47: In Which We Rest the Blog to Focus on Day Job (just for a couple days)

Chester is resting.  Mad bookings for holiday gift photo shoots ahead.  Sweet dream, my prince!
This scarf's Ravelry page is here.


  1. I'm so glad you found my group on Ravelry Lesser Known Skeins.
    I will be checking out and commenting on your blog often.
    Chester is a sweet heart!

  2. Look at Chester rocking the novelty yarn. It's almost as fluffy as he is.

    Yesterday Samson made himself comfy on my Adult Surprise Jacket. It's my own fault for leaving it spread out on the couch.
